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TEMA: will they eventually disappear or does it really even matter

will they eventually disappear or does it really even matter 6 años 7 meses ago #1024

  • jackneeson
  • Avatar de jackneeson
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When we first set up shopsite we made a bunch of pages that shopsite named with a number. After a bit we realized we could name our pages ourselves. Well it seems the pages that were numbered still show up as errors in search engines, they didn't seem to realize that the page name changed. Now google says I have a bunch of 404 errors but with shared hosting I can't do a simple htaccess file to stop it. Should I take the time to create my own 404 page and rename it to each of the old page numbered names or will they eventually disappear or does it really even matter? The page I would make would be like a page map with links thruout my site. I figure I have about 35 pages to do.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Thank you
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