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TEMA: URGENT: Can not reach my settings and myPBX since upgrade

URGENT: Can not reach my settings and myPBX since upgrade 9 años 1 mes ago #173

  • Forum - Fututel
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Login. Go to the menu Phone Lines DIDs -> My Virtual PBX. There go to the link Launch PBXww to open the Virtual PBX app; also, in this same page you can see the Browsing of Virtual Numbers DIDs (with black background). Please, tell us if the issues were solved :)

Comenta!!! Quiero saber cómo puedo ayudarte. Responderé pronto.
Comment!!! I want to know how I can help you. I will answer soon.
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URGENT: Can not reach my settings and myPBX since upgrade 9 años 1 mes ago #172

  • GSBS
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Since your web revamp we can login to our account but we can not reach our account settings. Once logged in, the only options we have is modify our profile settings or Logout...
Please, tell us how to get to ourr member interface and get to the MyPBX interface. This is a very urgent matter as your software ins unusable without .

Thanks and regards
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