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TEMA: vici LOcal IP issue with VOIP...

vici LOcal IP issue with VOIP... 6 años 8 meses ago #1006

  • jackneeson
  • Avatar de jackneeson
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  • Mensajes: 8
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I was planning to change my vicidial server current network setup coz its running on a local IP and behind a NAT router...the problem is if ill have two ethernets....which is eth0=WAN IP , eth1=Local IP...probably there will no be changes on how do i access my vicidial server from a SIP client through local IP...Is there any changes i need to specify my WAN IP on the vicidial configuration settings before it will work.Do the vicidial need to know the WAN IP.....?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Última Edición: 6 años 8 meses ago por jackneeson.
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